Saywell International offers the following product lines to support the Airbus family either through our distribution agreements with various OEM’s or on a stockist basis:
AIRFRAME COMPONENTS bearings | general airframe components |
AVIONICS & INSTRUMENTS antenna | elt | pitot tubes | static dischargers |
ENGINE ACCESSORIES & SERVICES control cables and systems | engine accessories | engine mounts | flex ducts | sensors and gauges | speed probes | thermocouples |
EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS crew seats | decals | fairings | seat accessories | seat harnesses |
FILTRATION ozone converters |
HARDWARE & GENERAL CONSUMABLES clamps | ducting | gaskets / seals | general consumables |
HOSE & FITTINGS fittings | hose assemblies | qd couplings |
LANDING GEAR bearings | brakes | hose assemblies | tyres | undercarriage | wheels |
LIGHTING lamps & filaments | lens | strobes |
OXYGEN, EMERGENCY & SAFETY fire extinguisher systems | oxygen bottles | oxygen masks | smoke hoods (pbe) |
PAINTS & CHEMICALS cleaning products | paints and chemicals |
14th May 2024
Conidia Fuelstat Plus fuel testing kit distribution
8th Jan 2024
Goodwood Charity Track Days Dates for 2024
24th Nov 2022
Ontic appoints Saywell as their exclusive distributor for India
18th May 2022
BAE Systems appoint Saywell as their approved supplier of spares for all regional aircraft type.